Friday 7th January 2022
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone. It is always lovely to have our school family back together after the holidays. The children have been telling me about their Christmases, all the gifts they received. Fortunately, most of our families have remained well and are happy and healthy and back at school.
On Tuesday, our first morning together, we thought about the celebration of Christmas and passing on the light to others. The Year 6 children helped me to pass the light around the hall. We heard in John’s Gospel, how the light shone in the darkness and the darkness could not overcome it. Who will carry the light into a new year if we do not? The children came up with lovely suggestions for sharing the light through how they treat each other. Even when the decorations are all packed away, we want to keep that special feeling of Christmas love in our hearts all year.
Yesterday, Fr Jonathan joined us to celebrate Mass for the feast of the Epiphany. The three kings completed their long journey to the stable, following the shining star. The children sang beautifully; it has been really lovely to hear them singing together again this Christmas. The children in Year R have enjoyed learning the songs and carols and we have had some great renditions of Love Shone Down from them! It was a perfect start to the new year!
The children have settled straight back into their learning and I have seen some learning going on in all the classes this week. The children in Year R are on an adventure to the Arctic! Year 1, the children have been reading and comparing, ‘Peace at Last’ and ‘Five Minutes Peace’ and learning about Epiphany. In Year 2, the children have been using money in maths and reading, ‘The Tunnel’ by Antony Brown. Year 3 are finding out all about volcanoes. Year 4 children are starting to read ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. In Year 5 to children are working on finding the areas of shapes. Year 6 children are reading a book called ‘The Arrival’ and working hard on arithmetic! It’s been a busy first week.
Happy New Year,