Friday 17th May 2019
Sayers Croft, SATs and Godalming Learning Partnership
Friday 17th May 2019
Last Sunday our first group of children made their First Holy Communion; it was a very special occasion and a lovely sunny afternoon. It is always a pleasure the see the children and their families celebrating this important step in their children's lives. This Sunday it will be the turn of the next group of children and I know it will be another lovely afternoon.
On Monday afternoon we were invited to attend the launch of the Godalming Learning Partnership at Chandler Junior School. We have always worked closely with the other local schools and the newly named partnership formalises this process. I took two children with me to represent St Edmund's and they cut the ribbon and enjoyed cake and biscuits with all the other schools.
I had a lovely afternoon on Tuesday accompanying a group of children from KS 2 to Huckleberries Farm in Elstead. The group are going every Tuesday afternoon for six weeks this term and will be going again for six weeks in the autumn term. The children loved cuddling, grooming and looking after the animals and they all took part in a relaxing yoga session, thinking about being calm and still and all the things they are grateful for.
Our Year 4 children have been having a fantastic time on their first residential trip to Sayer’s Croft in Ewhurst. They have been very excited about the visit and the weather has been perfect! Sayer’s Croft was built for children evacuated out of London during the Second World War. There are air raid shelters around the site and in the dining hall there is even a mural painted by the children during the war. They have enjoyed climbing, raft building, den building, orienteering and a camp fire amongst other activities. They are looking forward to telling their families about all their adventures when they return this afternoon.
Back at school the baby blue tits are almost ready to fly the nest. It’s hard to believe that in just over 2 weeks they are as big as their parents!
This week has been SATs week and as anyone who has had children in Year 6 will know, a very important week in the school year! The children have taken tests in reading; spelling, punctuation and grammar; and maths. I have been so impressed by the children's attitude and determination to succeed; they have certainly embraced the growth mind-set. Well done Year 6!
It's not only Year 6 who have been doing their very best this week, as Year 2 have also been working on their test booklets, they have worked extremely hard and we are very proud of them all.
One more week before the spring half term holiday, we have our Golden Jubilee celebration next Thursday and Year R has their very first school trip on Tuesday. I hope the sun continues to shine!
Have a lovely weekend,