Friday 19th November 2021
Happy St Edmund's Day!
Today we are celebrating St Edmund's Day. His actual feast day is 20th November. It is the first time that we have been able to have Mass together as a whole school in almost two years. After Mass we gathered around the newly improved prayer garden and Fr Jonathan gave a special blessing.
There have been some great odd socks in school this week as we celebrate our individuality and raise awareness about Anti-Bullying. The children have been discussing Anti-Bullying in class. The children have explored different scenarios, talked about how they would offer help and advice to others and particularly, how we can use our words to spread kindness to others. We will share their posters on Seesaw and the website.
Our Digital Leaders have been taking part in an exciting, weekly club at Charterhouse School. They are working with some of the sixth form students there on coding and the children are creating their own games. It’s a great opportunity for our Digital Leaders to see the school and benefit from their facilities.
Today we celebrate the Feast of St Edmund. We have our St Edmund’s Day Mass this morning. We were delighted to have Fr Jonathan here to celebrate Mass and also Mrs Hardy who played the piano for us! It’s the first time in the eight years that I have been here that we have had a pianist. The children have enjoyed learning about St Edmund and finding out about his life. Do ask the children to tell you all about him. As the patron saint of pandemics, we hope that he continues to keep us all safe and well.
There is great excitement for the film show this afternoon, the first in two years!
Have a good weekend,