Thursday 7th October 2021
Changing plans...
We have all had to get used to constant changes over the last eighteen months and this week has certainly shown us that it is hard to plan ahead when everything can change very quickly! We have had a big increase in positive COVID cases this week and our priority at the moment is keeping everyone safe and well. It was really disappointing to have to postpone the Year 6 Residential Trip to Devon, but I have been so impressed with the mature and thoughtful way that the children have coped with the change. In some ways it feels as if we have gained a week and the children have been really enjoying their learning at school. Our Year 5 children are always managing the changes well, as there are a number of cases in the class they are now having separate break and lunchtimes and can’t mix with the rest of the school. The children have shown great resilience and kept a really positive attitude, something we talked about during assembly this week too. I do think we all have a greater appreciation for the little things. There are still many things to look forward to in the school year ahead.
It was like an episode of ‘Bake Off’ this morning in Year 2! The children have been very busy kneading and proving to make their own loaves of Challah Bread as part of their learning about Judaism. The loaves look and smell delicious!
Tomorrow we have our first joint Xavier Trust INSET day. This will now take place virtually but with all the schools watching and participating at the same time. We will have sessions on ‘How children learn’, ‘Supporting SEND and behaviour’, and ‘Promoting diversity’. It should be a fascinating and useful day for the staff.
I hope you all have a peaceful weekend,