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Friday 24th September 2021

New roles and responsibilities

We started our week with our Year 6 pupils leading the special House Captain’s assembly. Those who wanted to stand for House Captain prepared short speeches to present to the rest school. They were very funny and engaging, it’s not easy standing up in front of a large audience. Everyone was very impressed by the standard and content of their speeches and the younger children were talking about it all day! All the children then voted for their House Captain, and we will announce all the roles and responsibilities very soon. The children are enjoying being buddies to the younger children, and they are doing a wonderful job of helping and supporting them in their play, it is lovely to see them taking on this role so well. 

Across the school there is some amazing learning going one every day to give you an idea here are just a few of the thing that I have seen this week... In Year R, as well as getting used to all the school routines, the children are starting to learn the letters and sounds and enjoying their circus topic. Our Year 1 children are doing reading and writing based upon the story, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr. In Year 2 the children have been making their own worry dolls after reading the story, ‘Silly Billy’ by Antony Browne. Year 3 are travelling back in time to the Stone Age as part of their topic work. In Year 4 the children have been writing poetry based upon abstract nouns, not an easy task! The children in Year 5 are learning about life in Ancient Greece and in Year 6 the children are discussing life in Victorian Britain.

It feels as if we have been back at school for quite a while now and everyone is settling into the routine of school life and enjoying learning. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

